Lupe raps over Gorillaz beat

Sunday, December 14 by Dan Lo

Stolen off bchiang's blog. Don't have much to say about it other than it sounds cool, and Gorillaz cartoonz are always cool to watch (altho not quite as spell-binding as the Lennon interview animation)

I Met The Walrus

Wednesday, December 10 by Brian Pan

An interview:
In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview. This was in the midst of Lennon's "bed-in" phase, during which John and Yoko were staying in hotel beds in an effort to promote peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it. Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon's every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries traditional pen sketches by James Braithwaite with digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon's boundless wit, and timeless message.
Via SvN

Common ft. Barack Obama

Tuesday, December 9 by Dan Lo

Okay, maybe not quite yet. On the other hand, here's how he thinks the President Elect will influence hip hop.

Common on the Tonight Show

Saturday, December 6 by Brian Pan

Check out Common on the Tonight Show Thursday night:

There some more pics from the show on Common's blog.