for emma, forever ago

Wednesday, January 28 by ernie

bon iver: mike noyce, sean carey, and front man justin vernon.

one of my favorite sites to waste time on, discover music, and experience music performed in its most raw state.


also, muxtape is back. but it seems like they lost what they used to be because of the law suits. so now they are purely for bands and not really for no strings attached uploading. so, like a myspace for minimalist? users will only be able to create a mix from music that is already on the site provided by each respective artist. but since i see muxtape becoming widely popular, its usefulness may still be intact.

Aerodynamic (Daft Punk Remix)

Thursday, January 8 by Dan Lo

A little gem (well, I like it anyway) I found while trying out Pandora again after a long hiatus.